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15 rounds of punching bag workout

29 minutes of intense punching bag workout

  • 30 minutes
  • 25 British pounds
  • Leather Lane

Service Description

Welcome to "15 Rounds", an intense 29-minute group workout designed for a maximum of 5 people. Imagine a circle of 15 different punching bags, and you'll be moving through them clockwise for a minute each, with only a 1-minute break between bags. This workout is all about non-stop action. As you punch your way through the bags, there's no time for extended breaks - just one minute to catch your breath before moving on to the next challenge. The variety of bags ensures that you target different muscles, keeping the workout engaging and effective. Working in a small group creates a supportive environment where everyone can push their limits together. The circular movement adds a dynamic flow to the session, making it a unique and synchronised experience. Whether you're a fitness pro or a beginner, this workout promises a full-body challenge, building strength, endurance, and agility. Get ready to punch, move, and conquer as a team! This is small group will be held exclusively at Gymbox Farringdon. (There is an admission fee of £18 for all Gymbox non-members).

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Gymbox Farringdon, Leather Lane, London, UK

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